Funded Projects

Funded Projects: Science of Weather in Virtual Classrooms

Project has ended

Science of Weather in Virtual Classrooms

Project in ProgressProject Behind

Project Progress 4 / 8


Percentage Behind


303 out of 303 days left

Time Elapsed

Grant Goal

$ 4000 are requested to cover class tuition for 8 students. $ 1000 dollars is requested for the student worker to help with technical aspects of the class.

Grant Timing

  • Jun 01 2021 Start
  • Mar 31 2022 End

Grant Overview

Application Status



Zeljka Fuchs Director
Phone: (505) 948-4717

Proposed Timing

Start Date: 2021-06-01
End Date: 2022-03-31

Grant Description

Teachers from K to 12 will be offered an online class on weather. Through shorter lectures, outdoor activities and interactive discussions the students will feel like real active participants.

Tracking Metric

Online schooling has been a very challenging change for many. Teachers and students are equally struggling due to the new format and expectations. Teachers feel they need to do triple the work; students feel frustrated as they often don’t understand what their task is. The end result is the loss of valuable time and knowledge, and it is hard to predict when it will change. This project aims to address and improve online schooling. The class Science of Weather will be offered to teachers who are doing their Master’s program at NMT. This class will be re-developed to satisfy the new form of online teaching. Shorter, crisper lectures will be followed by interactive online discussions. For example, the students will have an opportunity to read articles on climate change from professional journals, popular journals and from media. Through the virtual discussion among themselves and a teacher (myself) they will understand what is scientific language and how media sometimes doesn’t get it right. They will get to offer their own solutions and think how to create similar discussions in their classrooms. The assignments will be focused on outdoor, for example: taking pictures and identifying clouds. Through this class the students who are teachers themselves will learn how to do proper online schooling, how to set up clear lectures, assignments and goals. With the newly gained perspective of being an online student themselves, they will learn how to teach in their virtual classrooms.


Overall Grant Progress

  • Receive and Review

    Application submission and review

  • Create and Track

    Project creation and tracking



  • B

    Evaluate and Decide

    Staff and board evaluation and decision

  • D


    Final reporting


Receive and Review

Application submission and review complete


Evaluate and Decide

Staff and board evaluation and decision complete


Create and Track

Project creation and tracking complete



Final reporting complete

A. Recieve and Review

  • 100% Complete
  • 8 of 8 tasks completed

Receive grant application. Check for errors, omissions, and overall completness. Verify non-profit status via Guidestar and 501(c)3) letter.

100% Complete


B. Evaluation

  • 100% Complete
  • 4 of 4 tasks completed

Board and staff evaluate grant application submission and decide to grant or decline the application.

100% Complete


C. Create and Track

  • 50% Complete
  • 3 of 6 tasks completed

Grant approved and project started. Send out grant check, award letter and project tracketing agreement. Project monitoring begins.

50% Complete


D. Report and Promote

  • 0% Complete
  • 0 of 6 tasks completed

Receive final reporting from grantee. Make reports to board and staff. Communicate with public. Conduct final Q&A.

0% Complete
